

Ercigoj Interier
Regular price
229.51 €
Sale price
229.51 €
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Series: Light Wings
Year: 2021 - ongoing
Edition: Unlimited
Size: Small
Dimension:  40 x 40 cm | 15.7 x 15.7 in
Number of stitches: over 135,000
Thread length: over 1.7 km | over 1.06 mi
Thread colours: 15

Flight remains one of man's greatest dreams, something we have only mastered through leaps of technology and by strapping ourselves into machines that allow us to soar... Something that Nature achieved seemingly effortlessly in countless animal species from vastly different families. Our embroidered series »Wings« takes us on a journey across the animal kingdom to explore their own »technology« that allows them to fly. The embroidered art pieces can be purchased as a single piece of 40 x 40 cm (15,7 x 15,7 in), but if you wish to furnish your office, home or business with several, the series is available as a full set of 8 embroidered pieces.

Living in complete symbiosis with nature and becoming completely indispensable to a large number of plant life on the planet is a true accomplishment, especially for a small, unassuming creature like the humble bee. Bees fly not just for their own survival but for ours as well. Without bees, we could not grow our food, and our civilization could not exist. They fly from flower to flower collecting food which they turn into sweet honey, but their greatest contribution is completely unintentional – as they land on flowers, the pollen sticks to their legs and bodies and gets a free airlift to the next flower for procreation. Flight, which other animals use mainly for their own survival, either for hunting or for escaping hunters, becomes a community service that benefits the entire world, all thanks to the humble bee.

Spark your own desire to take flight with this beautiful series of embroidered art.