Series: Actinaria
Motif: after Giacomo Merculiano
Year: 2022 - ongoing
Edition: Unlimited
Size: Small
Dimension: 40 x 40 cm | 15.7 x 15.7 in
Number of stitches: over 205,000
Thread length: over 2,5 km | over 1.55 mi
Thread colours: 24
The underwater life of the sea anemones can be a source of never-ending shapes and vibrant colours for an artist, and Giacomo Merculiano, who was better versed as a sculptor, brought his sculpting talent to the illustration by perfecting the three dimensionality of marine life, but added a new layer of vivid colours to the image, bringing the underwater fauna to life. His breathtaking vision made it a true pleasure translating the original art into an embroidered masterpiece, taking full advantage of the range of colours embroidery can offer.
From the original Actinaria embroidered modular art piece, which spans 4 x 2.4 meters, we chose a detail that is a story within a story, the small hermit crab dragging its borrowed shell across the sea floor among the corals and other marine life. The embroidered art piece brings it to life, framing it closer and bringing it to the forefront. The fine details of the hermit crab, created with threads and needles, showcase the attention to detail we give to all embroidered art pieces, from the smallest sizes to the largest wall spanning art.