Series: Deep Space Journey
Year: 2019 - ongoing
Edition: Unlimited
Size: Large
Dimension: 80 x 160 cm | 31,4 x 62,8 in
Number of stitches: over 880,000
Thread length: over 9,6 km | over 6 mi
Thread colours: 94
To all space enthusiasts out there, this spectacular large size embroidery is for you! It offers glimpses to outer space, depicting the most amazing views known to man, as seen by the legendary Hubble telescope. The embroidery is comprised of 8 pieces that can stand alone or be freely combined.
Comprised of:
- Eta Carinae
- Ring Nebula
- UGC 1810
- Butterfly Nebula
- V838 Monocerotis
- Crab Nebula
- Arp-Madore 2026-424
Hourglass Nebula
In our Universe, there are two trillion galaxies, each composed of billions of stars, planets, dust, and gas. We have selected some of the most spectacular views and unusual phenomena, delivered to humanity by legendary space traveller Hubble telescope*, and recreated them as superb embroidery of great detail and vivid colours.
*All images provided by Hubble/NASA/STScI
Get this mind-blowing embroidery and peep into deep space.